Custom Living

Many young families in Jersey City and Hoboken are expanding and looking for more space; however, they don't want to leave the urban environment they have come to love. Enter the Full Brownstone...

A full Brownstone is the ultimate living experience in terms of both space and customization. To that end, we offer our Custom Living option. We work hand-in-hand with our clients to deliver them a truly custom built home. From architect meetings to onsite project management, right through the interior design, we can deliver you a turn-key product that you can call home.


Latest Tweets

  • @realeplatt Just your story and location
  • Back bar progress at a project we're designing, @BattelloJC. Such an exciting new addition to the #JerseyCity scene!
  • This off-the-grid home in Nova Scotia is powered entirely by the sun. Would you ever consider life off-grid?
  • Perfect day to curl up by the fireplace! Wherever you are, we hope you, your loved ones, & your pets are safe & warm
  • Need extra storage to get organized in '14? Get the how-to for this pipe shelving on our app: